Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Disconnected World, Connected Souls

The times are ever changing. We are restricted to our Home Zone to fight this battle against the severe pandemic, Corona Virus. The time to chase this virus is running fast and it is so disheartening to see the loss of so many lives. I have been thinking all this while as to what should be our State of Mind during this times of crisis. There is no direct answer to it but let me make an attempt to address it here.

The entire paradigm of what we considered to be basic in life has gone for a toss, considering the fact that the very basic element, Freedom, is attacked by a microorganism. I still remember very vaguely the definition of Microorganism:

Microorganism is an organism that is so small that it cannot be seen by our naked eye.

And such an organism has created a havoc! A deadly one this time.

Connected Spirits
As the situation is grave and intense, people all around the world have kind of come together to show their pain, joy, sorrow, love towards Humanity. Many social organizations are doing their best to beat with this enormous devil. Many Health Warriors are doing their best to provide the essentials to the needy. Many Defense Warriors are working day-in day-out to keep us safe. Many Health professionals are working round the clock to keep us healthy ans safe. And do not forget that there is a cost associated with their lives too.

Even though we are limited to our own premises and to the confines of our homes, it is evident to see these people in and around us. Keep a watch on these warriors and be generous with your act and do whatever best you can do.

Spread the Word

The news around this pandemic is all around, 24x7. Keep a vigil about the statistics but do not go deep and do not get affected by it. Because you cannot do much about it. I strongly feel that the Central Indian Government and various State governments are doing their part to keep us safe and we will definitely come out of this mess. It's just a matter of time. Now, we have to resilient in the times of crisis and be very mindful about our act.

Let us follow these Do's and Do Not's in this crisis.

  • Do not panic, stay calm
  • Do not touch your face
  • Do not stockpile masks and essentials
  • Do not go to crowded places


  • Eat Healthy
  • Do your exercise regularly
  • Pray regularly
  • Read a lot
  • Meditate a lot

Trust me, it is okay to believe in this caption:
It's Okay not be Okay. It is just a matter of time and we shall overcome! This too shall pass!

And let's make a genuine effort to see what each one of us can do in our own capacity to contribute in our little ways. B's trust me, the world will never be the same and I strongly feel that:

I do not think that People realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore!

And we might have to come up a new blueprint of life going forward!

Cheers to good health, joy, and happiness to all the connected spirits in this disconnected world.

Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy!